“Resources” is an XFCN which returns a list of named resources of a specified type. You can optionally limit the search to a particular file. Resources that do not have names are ignored.
* Sound Resources ("snd ")
When listing sound resources, “Resources” skips any sounds located in your system file because HyperCard generally can’t play them. This is because any sounds in your system file are most likely there for your Control Panel DA (if you have a Macintosh II) and are not the right format for HyperCard.
* Driver Resources ("DRVR")
Device driver resources include your desk accessories, but there are other kinds of DRVRs. “Resources” skips any driver who's name begins with a period. Actual hardware device drivers like “.Print” are not useable from HyperTalk anyway. This should restrict the list of drivers to only your DAs.
Resources XFCN comes to us from Steve Maller.
   Apple Computer
   Version 1.0 (8-Feb-88)
Thanks to hyperHero Danny Goodman for the idea…
AppleLink: MALLER1
CompuServe: 70436,1745
-- part contents for background part 7
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put Resources("DRVR") into fred
would put into fred a list of all of the named DRVR resources in HyperCard's inheritance chain. This typically means your stack, Home, HyperCard, and the System file.
put Resources("ICON", "HyperCard") into fred
would put into fred a list of all of the named ICONs in the resource fork of the file "HyperCard". Ideally, you should supply a FULL pathname for "resFile", but Resources will use the "Stacks" list of search paths to attempt to locate the requested file.